Getting your monthly utility bill can be frustrating for some people! Sometimes it’s hard to understand how your home could possibly be using that much energy?
Luckily, we live in a time where everything can be measured, assessed and improved! You might be wondering how you can you do this with your home’s energy use? The answer is simple! Hire a Building Science Analyst to perform an Energy Audit on your home. But first things first…What is an energy audit?
Put simply, an energy audit is an assessment of your home’s energy performance and health. However, there are some added benefits to be discovered during your home’s audit.
There are 3 main benefits to an energy audit:
1. Helps the homeowner make decisions about how they can conserve energy.
2. Helps the homeowner increase the comfort, safety, health and durability of their home.
3. Protects our environment by reducing energy waste.
Which brings us to…What does the energy audit process look like?
When an Auditor comes to your home, they will perform a combination of diagnostic tests and visual and numerical evaluations. The Auditor should explain to you how and why your home’s energy consumption may be costing you too much money and discomfort. They will also provide a prioritized list of energy and money saving options.
A typical audit will consist of the following steps:
1. Thorough outside and inside visual inspection of the home.
2. Thermal imaging and visual inspection of all the insulation in the home including the walls, attic space and crawlspace.
3. Blower door testing that will help locate any and all air leaks occurring in the home.
4. Any visible gas lines will be checked for leaks.
5. A complete inspection of all the heating and cooling systems in the home.
If performed by a certified professional, an in-home energy audit could save you up to 30%.